Netgear has a good amount of security cameras on the market that are one of a kind. One of a kind as in battery operated and wireless. There are not many cameras out now that can carry that title as most are dependent on wires or an AC adapter with a wireless antenna. To help assist cover the motion detection zones for their existing camera line up they have a product called the Security Light.
The security light has been out for a couple years now and it a real asset to any home security system whether you use it as a standalone light or in conjunction with the other Arlo cameras. Just like a traditional outdoor security camera the light is weather-resistance and capable to stand up to different weather conditions while guarding your home. The light comes with built-in motion detectors, as well as the ability to change the sensitivity of the detectors.
A real nice and different security feature of these lights are the option for it to change colors. Let’s say some intruder comes in the detection area of the light it can flash bright red to give it a real siren feel and deterrent. And the light can be seen really good in the area it is shining and reach a maximum brightness of 400 lumens. Now this light will not activate in the daytime but can still be triggered as well as activate a connected Arlo camera. The security light has great battery-saver capabilities to conserve energy while cycling between day and night settings.

Just as the other battery operated Arlo cameras the battery will run out eventually and can last at least 4 months minimum with regular motion detection traffic. Some folks counter this by purchasing Arlo’s solar panel which connects right to their camera by mini USB port and in this case the security light so it can never run out of charge. You can check out the solar panel here and it can be a big help by preventing you to keep taking down the light and recharging it.

One last thing to remember before purchasing the Arlo Security light is that it comes with a bridge that connects to it. You will need a nearby plug outlet to where you will mounting your smart light. The bridge connects to the internet but does not need to be connected to your internet router directly. This is great if you do not have any Arlo cameras yet and just want to use the lights to alert you if there is movement in the motion zone.
Overall we love how the Arlo Security light works and functions as a deterrent for criminals. We definitely recommend it for any home defense setup,