The COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic is the real deal. It seemed like it came out of nowhere and destroyed everything like a bad storm. The experts that traced its origins so far state that it came from China after some person consumed bats and the virus transferred to the human. I am not totally sure about this as we are all skeptical but moreso.. how in the world did we end up here?
So far the Covid- 19 virus has infected about 273,000 people to date and rising. In about 185 countries it has caused over 11,000 deaths. It has several names as President Trump calls it the ‘Chinese Virus’ and some others still call it the ‘Wuhan Virus’. Regardless of what it is called those that are pretty ready for this pandemic are the preppers that have been stocking up for a long time.
If you are not stocking up now or do not have a game plan you are never too late. I will describe some things that you may want to get that may still be available so when your city on on a lockdown or curfew you are not behind the 8 ball.
If you do not already own a weapon let’s hope it’s not too late for you to get one. With this pandemic on the rise and cities about to be really locked down the criminals will really be out lurking to do mischievous things. It is best to have any weapon ready such as a simple Mossberg shotgun which can be purchased from Bass Pro Shop or Dick’s Sporting Goods. If you cannot get your hands on a gun then a good knife or blade should do but if you go this route try to learn some basic holding self defense techniques as you do not want to become disarmed as easily. You never know when people want to start looting because they panic and are stuck in their house and feel like freedom no longer exists.
Rubbing alcohol is essential now and can be used as a disinfectant and wound cleaner for any defense situation. Also, with hand sanitizer being limited in stock you can use this primary ingredient in it and mix it with aloe vera gel and create your own. 50-90% is good enough to get the job done.
Any non perishable food such as beans, rice, and can goods will take you a long way when you are confined to your home. If you are out and about daily make it a task to run to the store and buy at least one more can of food even if you think you have enough. Unless you can assure that you have enough food to last you 90 days then you do not have enough. This coronavirus pandemic can land us in a situation where food will be scarce as well as supplies so it is better to be safe than sorry. If you want to go the hardcore route and want to really cause the intruder some pain you can install barbed wire fence.
This may seem basic but you cannot go wrong with a first aid kit. It is best to get one for home that has all bandages, antiseptic, thermometer and suture materials as well as a smaller version for your bug out bag. You have to be always prepared to heal and dress your wounds in any defense situation as you do not want the wound, cut or scrape to become infected.
Funny as it sounds but there were situations where an intruder tried and sued a homeowner for injuries but I do not think that person won the case.
This is a no brainer item to have as the right face mask can protect you and others for spreading the Covid-19 by mouth if you sneeze etc. The mask type to get can be a full face or half mask rated N95 up to P100 types. Anything less will be ineffective. If you can find a full face one that is probably the best as it will cover your eyes and ears as well. The whole purpose of course is to keep the infe
Also, it is essential that you also remember to not touch your face. Each time you touch your face you risk bringing virus particles close to or into your eyes, nose, ears, and mouth.
Please try to stay healthy and stay home if you can with this coronavirus running rampant out here. Wash your hands all the time and keep your eyes open if there is a curfew in your city while watching your home perimeter of any funny business.